
So Perhaps I Shoudn't Digress

With all the hullaballo with the hubby I digressed.

What in the hell was this blog all about in the first place?

Uh - getting pregnant.

And I haven't talked to much about it, but was excited because I found out a woman was starting a new blog: http://www.fertilityfollies.com/ .

So it inspired me to provide an update for my pregnancy woes. Or lack thereof.

I believe I completely failed to mention the whole fallopian tube testing debacle! I can't believe it, but then again I can because I was terrified and extremely embarrassed beyond doubt. But there's no time like now to share an incredibly embarrassing story on the world wide web! I mean hey, the likelihood of me ever becoming a star or a politician where this would be exposed is well comletely nill. (hope i used that word correctly there).

Check back for the details. Who in the hell am I writing this to? It's not like I've told anyone about this blog. Oh well, it makes it better this way for me.

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