So much has happened! An egg retrieval AND an egg transfer.
Ok let's quickly talk about the egg retrieval so I can quickly talk about the egg transfer and get onto the more important part of my emotions in which I express who terribly terrified and excited I am.
Egg retrieval happened on...hmmm, wait, TWO Sundays ago. Crazytown. Had to be there an hour before and of course, the evening before and the morning of, I was not allowed to eat anything. Me and hubby made our way to Encino and I was met by T, who told me to go in back area, undress bottom portion, keep my socks on and wait. I was the only patient. I mean it was a Sunday and it was early in the morning.
Read magazines and eventually was taken into the operating room and it looked terrifying. Bright lights, very clean, but the stirrups were HUGE. Not metal, but large pads where the calves are supported and STRAPS to hold my puppies into place since I'd be under local anesthesia. Did I mention I was so nervous that I felt like going poo the whole time, but of course I didn't have any food in me, but still I kept thinking that I'd lose consciousness, my body would lose its ability to control itself and that I'd poo onto Dr. F.
But I digress.
Instead they put a needle on my arm and gave me relaxing medicine to which I told the anesthesiologist - you are going to put more right? I'm not sleeping. I need to sleep. I repeated that several times and she nicely, but begrudgingly let me know, yes, yes, yes will do but you need to see the doctor first.
Fine. We waited. I waited. I anxiously waited and then my last memory was seeing him and briefly talking to him.
Then I woke up and it was done.
Now what was done? DUDE, it is friggin weird. Of course I have no recollection, but I do RECOLLECT the paperwork that me and hubby had to sign that said they'd be opening up my vagina and guiding a NEEDLE to grab them ovaries. HIYA! And it warned that they could poke an organ and that I could bleed.
No organ poked. But yes, I did bleed a little at least a week after.
I rested at home. I went to work the next day. Dumb to go to work the next day but I'm dumb. By Tuesday, I went back to work again and then realized that was dumb and went home early for more rest. Wait I'm lying. I think my days are f'd up. But yes, point of the story? After egg retrieval, even though you can technically work, stay home the next day.
So I get the call that SEVENTEEN eggs were retrieved. NINE fertilized. SEVEN were embryos. So what of these numbers? Well it's the embryos that matter. And guess what? We were short ONE to make the study where they give us $4,000 back to take pictures. Oh well. Kind of disappointing but not because well duh, the most important thing is to get pregnant.
And then we were told to wait and for me to take more medicine. No more shots this time, but oral and vaginal medicines. Woo hoo. The TRANSFER would be the next Sunday - ALREADY.