
So There Was a Surge...

Ah ha, so of all ovulation tests to seem to be working - the cheap Target brand ones!

Okay so on Friday and Saturday there was a surge - read: two lines showed pink. So what did that mean? Sex of course. Friday there was sex. And Saturday there was sex twice (which friggin killed me by the way)! But Sunday?

My request for sex was met with, "Really? Again? How about tomorrow?"

This met with a reply from me, "Um, okay."

And in my head I was thinking, "We suck at this. How in the world are we ever going to get pregnant?"

I'm telling you - this is being old or this is being married for 6 1/2 years! See?

Okay well we'll try again today I hope, but I laugh because then it's over. Just four days for sperm and egg to meet. Until next month. Yikes!

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